returning to on-campus living



Adapting campus residences for healthful occupancy


We understand that one of the most formative experiences for college students is living and learning together.  How can we have students return to their on-campus residences safely?  How can we make spatial modifications and provide behavioral guidance in common areas like shared restrooms and social spaces that help students (and their parents!) feel comfortable about living on campus?


Here are some ways we may be able to help:

  • Review shared restrooms or kitchens to help identify safe capacities and flow
  • Determine capacities of shared social spaces based on social distancing
  • Assess flow through shared spaces
  • Assess flow through circulation spaces
  • Identify how reduction in capacities of shared spaces may impact the quantity of residents in a building
  • Prepare diagrammatic drawings that are easy to understand
  • Identify modifications that can be made internally
  • Design or specify social distancing elements
  • Review code implications that may occur because of new layouts/capacities
  • Design signage that guides users
  • Coordinate installation of social distancing elements and/or signage
  • Work with our engineering partners to assess your air quality and HVAC Systems

We’re happy to jump in at any scale - from building-wide strategies to isolated input.  Our goal is to use our expertise to help you move forward safely and effectively.   

Campus Living

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